Thea & John Previews – Ufton Court

Oooft what a glorious day we had on Saturday! It was just perfect. Thea made an absolutely stunning bride, her hair and make up was gorgeous as was her lovely dress which just looked amazing on her. What a lucky man John is! :) We had sunshine all day, a cool breeze, and the relaxed and fun atmosphere at Ufton Court truly topped off a wonderful celebration. Another amazing wedding, still have to pinch myself that my job entails spending time with such awesome people. Lucky old me eh! Here are a few previews…looking forward to blogging the full set soon! Thea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John PreviewsThea John Previews

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